Saturday, October 11, 2008

Missing Link Lemon Drink

C'mon, you know you've got style! So make a drink fit for the missing link.

This one is so easy! Get a lemon.
(Narrator) Wait, first...are you thirsty? Need some electrolytes?
(the missing link guys) Man, what's electrolytes got to do wit it?! 
(N) Now chill my brothas! Read it and weap. Suckas! 

Lemon Facts:
Rich in vitamin C

Why is lemon juice good for you? Don't know, but it sure does taste good! Go find out for yourself weather or not it is a health tonic. Lemon juice is often used to marinate meat because it kills you want some! 

OK cut your lemon in half (the short way, like you are cutting someone at the belt line) and hold half in the palm of one hand. Now take a simple kitchen fork and plunge it into the lemon with your other hand. Squeeze the lemon around the fork and swish it back and forth. Do that to both sides into a glass or a cup. Let the seeds go in. Don't be all fussy! They mostly stay on the bottom any way. 
Now put some honey in a small pot (as much as you want your drink to be sweetened) and heat it up a little. Add the honey to your lemon squeezins and stir. Now add water and/or ice!

Done. Gulp, Gulp, Gulp! AHHHH.

For instructions on how to make a lemon battery (naturally occurring electrolytes react with zinc or something) go to this website:

Have fun! 
Love, Myra

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